I'm here to take your hula-hoop skills to the next level! As a certified Hoop Love Coach and professional performer of six years, I have all the experience and knowledge to help you learn new hula-hoop tricks and how to move your body. From beginner single-hoop skills to quad circus hoop skills, there's a lot to learn! The connections that I create with my students are some of the deepest treasures in my life and career!
In-Person Hula-Hoop Workshops
Are you the type of person that likes to learn in person? Check out my calendar to see if I am teaching a hula hoop class near you.
Online Hula-Hoop Courses
Are you looking to create your own vibe at home? I've created a multitude of online hula hoop courses to help you level up any time at your own pace.
Coming soon!
Private Lessons
Are you wanting to have a deeper experience with your hoop(s) and are looking for one-on-one guidance with a skilled hooper? I'm your girl!
Kid Workshops
Want to bring something unique and fun to your child's party? I bring hula hoops for all kids and teach them how to hoop with fun music.
Professional Development for Professional Performers
Do you have a talent and want to learn how to make a career doing what you love like I do? Check out Abyssal Performance School, an online platform with resources to help you level up your business as a performer!